The ‘Vogue Living’ trend Canberrans are loving in 2024

The ‘Vogue Living’ trend Canberrans are loving in 2024

If you were overwhelmed by the floral wallpaper, geometric shapes and bold monochromatics of the early 2020s, it’s time to take a deep breath.

The interior trend taking over the world via TikTok in 2024 is named ‘quiet luxury’. And it’s a trend Canberrans can’t get enough of.

Whitlam Residence - Foyer _ Lounge

‘Quiet luxury’ is more than minimalism but way less than maximalism; think understated elegance and high-quality materials, focused on creating sophisticated and comfortable living spaces. There are no Chanel or Prada logos in sight; quiet luxury prioritises craftsmanship, subtlety and timelessness.

Nicholls, Farrer and Whitlam are among the first suburbs to embrace the interior trend, with residents commissioning designers across the capital to deliver personal, serene and enduring rooms.


Loft Studio Canberra’s principal interior designer, Kiara Shah has used the principles of quiet luxury to design entire homes in Nicholls and Whitlam, the master bedrooms of homes in Denman Prospect and Farrer, and a rumpus room in Curtin.

“Quiet luxury is about simple, understated and functional spaces,” Kiara says.

“Spaces that speak for themselves.

Whitlam Residence - Master Ensuite - Feature Wall

“There are a few elements that come under quiet luxury, but for me it’s all about soft lighting, intentional art pieces, and premium materials such as natural stone, fine wood, and high-grade textiles like linen and silk.

“These materials not only exude quality but also age beautifully.”


Canberrans are loving the attention to detail, including exquisitely selected and placed furniture and artwork, that comes with quiet luxury. The neutral colour palette underpinning the trend – think shades of beige, grey, taupe and soft white – also makes it hugely popular.

“The space should make you feel calm and collected, elegant,” Kiara says.


“Your room should be a celebration of the finer things in life, not through flashy displays but through an appreciation of quality, craftsmanship, and thoughtful design.

“This trend appeals to those who value subtle sophistication and the enduring appeal of well-made, beautifully-designed spaces.”

But what if you have kids? Do you need to wait until they move out?


“Yes, it’s a feeling you can achieve even with kids,” Kiara laughs.

“You can still have hard-wearing furniture that’s beautiful.”

Thinking of making over one of your rooms in a quietly luxurious way?

Kiara suggests the following for artwork:

Newcastle-based artist Hannah Simonvich

La Grolla Art Framers

Fineprint Co.

And the following for furniture and other decor:


Casa Blanco

Coco Republic

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