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20 Properties for rent in O'Malley and surrounding suburbs

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5/11 Irving Street

$690 per week

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Private Lister

How much does a Rental property in O'Malley cost?
For rental properties available for lease in O'Malley, we currently have 1 listing with a price of $1,950 per week.

What property types and features are most popular?
The listings in O'Malley for lease are mostly Houses.

Need to know more about properties in O'Malley?
The average bedroom count is 5 bedrooms in O'Malley. The majority of these properties also offers 3 bathrooms with a median of 2 parking spots per property. A few different agencies are selling these properties, with Civium Property Group - Residential and Luton Manuka being among the top agencies. Suburbs near O'Malley include Garran, Isaacs, Mawson, Phillip, Red Hill and Symonston.