Tony Barker

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Tony Barker

Sales Specialist
Tony Barker

Results in the past 12 months:




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Median days




AddressBuilding 7, 1 Dairy Road Fyshwick ACT
Phone0402 ... ... showCall

Tony Barker - Sales Specialist

Tony Barker has lived in the ACT since 2008 and in this time has fallen in love with Canberra.
"There'ss nothing better than driving down Parkes Way of an evening watching the sun setting over the National Museum with the Brindabellas in the background."
Tony has always had a keen interest in real estate, and is happy to have joined the NewActon community as an integral member of Crowthers Property.
Born in England, he emigrated to Australia in 1988, and in this time has lived in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and finally the Australian Capital Territory. With the experience of living all over the country he has a unique perspective of Australian life and understands how good life in Canberra really is.
"I love that there are four distinct seasons here, the changing of the leaves in autumn is beautiful around Lake Burley Griffin, and the mountains provide a stunning backdrop to an inner city lifestyle."
Tony served in the Australian Defence Force for over 15 years, providing him with a discipline and conscientiousness not always found in the Real Estate industry, and is used to having a sense of urgency when it comes to personal and professional interactions.
"I believe that it is important to get back to people as soon as possible. When people are buying a property it is a life changing decision; questions clients have are time critical and they need to be answered in a timely manner. After all our job is not just to sell property, it is to find the right property for the right person and give them peace of mind and the correct up-to-date industry knowledge to know that they are making the right decision."

About Crowthers

Crowthers is Real Estate with a difference. With our specialists in the NewActon, Kingston and Campbell Precincts, we can handle all your needs from buying and selling, management services all the way down to watering your plants when you are away. A level of service that other agencies simply cannot provide. You can secure your spot as a resident, tenant or investor by emailing us at [email protected] - We would be happy to arrange a private tour of our listings for you.

Tony's Reviews