Luton Gungahlin
Jade Ivory

Results in the past 12 months:



Jade Ivory

Property Manager
Jade Ivory

Results in the past 12 months:



Luton Gungahlin

Luton Gungahlin

Address1/33 Hibberson Street Gungahlin ACT
Phone0438 ... ... showCall

Jade Ivory - Property Manager

Jade is a born and bred Canberran and proud of it.

Having worked in the Recruitment, Beauty and Hospitality industries over the past decade, she has developed excellent customer service skills and is passionate about building on this. Through her past employment Jade has gained a strong ability to meet tight deadlines, has excellent written and oral communication skills, including advanced word-processing. Her achievements are highly regarded in any profession.

Real Estate and Property Management is something she’s always wanted to pursue, providing an opportunity to respond to all clients with prompt and honest feedback. Jade can work effectively within a team or independently and now the opportunity has presented itself she is extremely excited to be part of the Luton family and can’t wait to hit the ground running.

Her personal interests include travelling (with Bali being almost like her second home), music (she’s always a good one to have on your team at music trivia), coffee (knows the best places for coffee within a 50 km radius) and gaming (not ashamed to admit her Xbox is like therapy). Jade has a wide array of interests and loves to find commonality with anyone she meets.

Jade is married, has two children in primary school and two Dachshunds named Cinnamon and Cappuccino, so family life is fun, busy and extremely important to her.

About Luton Gungahlin

Since its inception in 1999, Luton has truly engrained itself into the local real estate landscape as well as the Canberra community. Across our 4 offices covering Canberra and surrounds, Luton takes the approach that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All the Luton team are encouraged to help achieve outstanding results for our clients across our open network. This ensures that the goal is the successful sale or management of the properties we represent, no matter who introduces the buyer or landlord.