Ray White Canberra
Amanda Howell

Results in the past 12 months:



Amanda Howell

Team Leader - Property Management
Amanda Howell

Results in the past 12 months:



Ray White Canberra

Ray White Canberra

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Amanda Howell - Team Leader - Property Management

Amanda became a part of the Ray White Canberra Group four years ago, bringing a wealth of experience to the team. With nine years of expertise in Real Estate as a Property Manager and a remarkable 17-year background in hairdressing, Amanda's unique skills and qualifications shine through.

Amanda is not only a seasoned professional but also a master of organisation and time management. She effortlessly juggles the demands of her career with her responsibilities as a wife and mother of three.

Her career demonstrates her maturity, unwavering commitment, and an unwavering dedication to every facet of her work. As a Team Leader, Amanda is deeply passionate about her team and their endeavors. She consistently aspires to be a professional, optimistic, and collaborative team member.

Amanda is adept at establishing and nurturing strong relationships with both colleagues and clients. Her extensive customer service experience stands out, showcasing her ability to effectively communicate with people from all walks of life and honing her interpersonal skills.

Amanda's professionalism, positive outlook, and approachable demeanor make her an ideal fit for the Ray White Canberra team.

About Ray White Canberra

Our approach to business is fairly basic: We do everything that we can to look after our team, and then make business decisions by considering what is best for the customer.

That simple approach has allowed us to scale from a tiny 3 person operation in Belconnen, to one of the industry’s most respected real estate operations in the country. Our team is bound by a collective ambition and taking extreme pride in the role we play in the transfer of home ownership.

By operating from two large offices in Canberra’s North & South, the Ray White Canberra team balances the service level and systems you would expect from the country's largest brand, with a highly localised approach that celebrates the unique identity of each suburb and location.

Within the real estate industry our sales team are famous for our expertise in Auction. We are most proud of our average bidders at Auction consistently exceeding the industry average, which allows us to create competition for our sellers and achieve higher prices. We don’t take this responsibility lightly, and train this art relentlessly combined with how to negotiate on the Auction floor. Want to know how to pick a good real estate agent? Ask them how they work with a single bidder at Auction and see how confident you are in their response.

Our rental team is known for respectfully walking the tightrope between maximising the return on investment for our landlords, and helping our tenants find a place to call home. We don’t leave customer satisfaction to chance, and monitor how happy our clients are on a daily basis. We value feedback, and act quickly to address any concerns.

Buyers can access our mortgage broking team led by Nitish Kumar. Like real estate agents, not all brokers are the same, and the Loanmarket Horizon team are at the top of the ladder for compliance and customer satisfaction.

Proudly founder led by Canberra locals Ben Faulks & Scott Jackson, and underpinned by more than 120 years of family ownership by the White Family, regardless of what your real estate needs might be, you are in safe hands with Ray White Canberra.