Timothy Road
Annabelle McInnes

Results in the past 12 months:




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Annabelle McInnes

Owner | Principal
Annabelle McInnes

Results in the past 12 months:




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Timothy Road

Timothy Road

AddressLvl 1, 11- 17 Swanson Court Belconnen ACT 2617 Belconnen ACT
Phone0419 ... ... showCall
Residential Properties

Annabelle McInnes - Owner | Principal


- Listed as the number 1 sales team (partnered with Tim) for the Belconnen District by realestate.com.au for the 2018 – 2020 period
- Secured two suburb record sale prices for Evatt and McKellar
- Achieved the ‘top ten’ agent award for one of Canberra’s largest real estate companies, three years in a row
- Secured a sale for one of the oldest homes ever built in Canberra. The Tea Gardens estate, built in the 1860’s
- International bestselling novelist with three books published by HarperCollins.

Annabelle McInnes has been making her mark on the real estate pathway since 2018. Having been privileged to represent some of the district’s finest homes, she has made it her mission to elevate the sales experience for both buyers and sellers throughout the sales process.

Utilising her public relations experience obtained in her executive roles in the public service, she showcases a robust expertise in IT, communications, public relations and change management. Annabelle is consistently researching market trends and establishing new innovative ways to promote, advertise and pivot a property in order to find the best buyer for a home.

Her core strength is in her ability to make every touch point in the sales process exceptional. She strives to ensure that every piece of marketing material, text, buyer and seller interaction is delivered to an exceptional, uncompromising standard.

Annabelle worked with Tim to create Timothy Road, which focuses on the established sales market. She specialises in doing each thing well, ensuring our clients have our full attention by managing the volume of listings we take on at any one time.

Beyond the world of real estate, Annabelle is a mother to a handsome young boy, and wife to a loving husband. Her passions lie in writing, reading, finding antiques, and listening to classical music. She is self-driven and, from the moment you meet her, you can sense her integrity, empathy and passion.

About Timothy Road

Our Road

Timothy Road is a unique family-owned real estate agency that specialises solely in the established housing market in Canberra and the Yass Valley region. Tim and Annabelle have created a timeless brand that communicates a refined sense of sophistication, and establishes confidence with a contemporary edge.

Founded by Tim and Annabelle McInnes who, together, have secured thirteen suburb record sale prices and have been recognised by realestate.com.au as the number one sales team for the Belconnen District for 2018 – 2020 period (out of 331 agents). They have created this exclusive company to focus only on the established segment of the market, and have structured a limit to the number of clients the company will represent at any one time.

As an owner of an established house, estate, townhouse, or apartment, you can list your home, safe in the knowledge that your two dedicated agents manage their client numbers and will only be working in your market area. This means we won’t give any of our attention to off-the-plan developments, nor to selling expansive farmland, that take us away from your core requirements. At Timothy Road we have the time, experience and approach to put your home in the strongest position to exceed market expectations.

Your Road

Timothy Road wants to listen to your story. We understand that our results have an immediate impact on the path to your future. Each client has different needs and requirements, and we want to customise an approach for you that is specific to your situation.

At Timothy Road, we tell the story of the home. We wish to hear all that made it special to you and what you feel future owners might appreciate, that cannot be seen at first glance.

It is our privilege to be a part of your journey. Timothy Road moves beyond the transactional nature of the industry and has been designed to put their clients on the route to success

Properties listed by Annabelle McInnes

7 Gye Place


Bed Icon3
Bath Icon1
Car Icon3
EER: 4.0
Tim McInnes
Owner | Director
Annabelle McInnes
Owner | Principal
Annabelle McInnes's Reviews