Mary Street, Goulburn New South Wales 2580

Sales history in Mary Street

To help people understand current and previous property value trends, whether they are looking to sell or to buy, we display the sold prices once published by government sources. Learn more

AddressBedsBathsCarsTypePriceListed DateSale DateSettled DateSale Type
Bed Icon 5Bath Icon 4Car Icon 3House$1,370,00003/11/202315/01/202429/02/2024
131 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
131 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
27 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
Bed Icon 4Bath Icon 1Car Icon 3House$650,00020/02/202317/05/202309/06/2023
91 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
37 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
Bed Icon 3Bath Icon 1Car Icon 1House$525,00011/06/202412/08/2024
Bed Icon 3Bath Icon 1Car Icon 1House$485,00025/08/202116/09/202102/11/2021
Bed Icon 3Bath Icon 1Car Icon 1House$450,00029/01/202110/03/202121/04/2021
71 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
21 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
49 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
5 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
5 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580
63 Mary Street GOULBURN, NSW 2580

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