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14 Properties for rent in Bonner and surrounding suburbs

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Properties in surrounding suburbs

How much does a Rental property in Bonner cost?
For rental properties available for lease in Bonner, we currently have 7 listings with prices ranging from $630 to $950 per week , and the median property price is $700 per week.

What property types and features are most popular?
The listings in Bonner for lease are mostly Houses. Listings in Bonner primarily includes features such as garage, dishwasher, built-in robes and ducted heating.

Need to know more about properties in Bonner?
The average bedroom count ranges from 3 to 5 bedrooms, with the most popular being 4 bedroom in Bonner. The majority of these properties also offers a bathroom range between 1 and 3 with a median of 2 parking spots per property. The latest property listing was uploaded 16 hours, 15 minutes ago. A few different agencies are selling these properties, with Luton Gungahlin and MARQ Property being among the top agencies. Suburbs near Bonner include Amaroo, Forde and Jacka.